EI is having a good start and my first reviews are in on Amazon.com (note: I do NOT pay for reviews - I'm too cheap to want to pay for them). I am especially appreciative of a review from Steven L. Fritz. In it he says, "This book got off to a good start with the Prologue, not always a good approach but it works well here. The stakes of the story are laid out here, not fully understandable until the end. The author has used his Cost (sic) Guard experience to create a very believable world of interstellar ship combat. Few writers bring the verisimilitude he brings to shipboard life, but it always serves the story.
Humanity is a minor civilization in an interstellar war. Their value to the overall galactic civilization is minimal except as proxy warriors. The weaponry described is innovative and believable and the battles between humans and another proxy species are well described. The characters are an ensemble but a few main characters come to life in interesting ways. Overall, a fascinating read."
That's a great review as he has hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to accomplish in Earth Interstellar. Thank you Steven!
Humanity is a minor civilization in an interstellar war. Their value to the overall galactic civilization is minimal except as proxy warriors. The weaponry described is innovative and believable and the battles between humans and another proxy species are well described. The characters are an ensemble but a few main characters come to life in interesting ways. Overall, a fascinating read."
That's a great review as he has hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to accomplish in Earth Interstellar. Thank you Steven!